Some malt, an oven and a sentence beginning “What if I…”
My tale starts on Saturday the 24 of March. I returned home from two pints of Vienna Lager and a Cheese Steak Pizza, in the Porterhouse North, with my Better Half and my daughter.
Soon after arriving home, a misunderstanding about what…
Drinking in Palm Springs, California
I didn't intend writing an article, so this is not a well researched piece, but as I'm just back from sunny Palm Springs I though I'd share what limited beering I did there while fighting sleep yesterday afternoon. All in all…
Irish Craft Breweries
The number of craft breweries in Ireland has been growing over the past few years, providing greater choice and quality to beer and cider consumers on the island of Ireland. Beoir maintains a list of these breweries so you can learn…
Beer Destination – Amsterdam
My second suggested weekend destination for the beer lover is the city of Amsterdam. This might seem a strange choice to some, but despite all the publicity regarding the drug and sex trade, Amsterdam is a beautiful city and has plenty of great…
Beer Destination – Bruges
More and more Irish people are heading off on weekend city breaks. This has been helped by the availability of cheap flights from Ryanair and Aer Lingus. There are more flights to more destinations than ever before. So why not choose a destination…
Welcome to Irish Craft Brewer
Welcome to Irish Craft Brewer! This site has been created to be the new home on the web for people wanting to learn and share knowledge about craft brewing in Ireland. Whether you are just starting out or are already running a small brewery…
Home made craft beer. Not the home-brew you thought you knew.
When you say “home-brew” to most people, they think of cheaply made, poor quality beer. Cloudy, foul smelling muck, only the most desperate college student would drink. The reason that people think this is because, a lot of the…
Understanding Strong beers.
I am a fan of strong beers. By this I mean beers with a relatively high Alcohol content (OK, I am also a fan of weak and medium strength beers but that is beside the point).
When drinking a nice Belgian trappist beer, or the Porterhouse's…
About Beoir
Launched on July 1st, 2010, Beoir is an independent group of consumers which seeks greater choice, quality and value-for-money for beer and cider drinkers on the island of Ireland. Our primary goal is to support and raise awareness of Ireland's…