What happened to the Bananas?

I have experimented with wheat beers quite a bit and have always ended up with nice, drinkable beer, but the buggers never turn out the way I want them to. The first time I did a wheat beer, I was trying to do a Wit beer, also known as…

The Bull and Castle Gastropub and Beer Hall

The Bull and Castle, formerly the Castle Inn, is located on Lord Edward Street, just opposite Christ Church Cathedral in the heart of Dublin. The Castle Inn had a long history, but in taking over the old pub, FXB began trying something new…

ICB Awards: Rated by Members 2007

The Easter Festival run by the Franciscan Well Brewery in Cork provides a unique opportunity for people to experience a huge range of quality Irish Craft Beers in one location. With this in mind, a group of ICB members converged on the Well…

Brewlab Start Up Brewing Course

As anyone who has read any of my articles, or posts in the forum will know, I am a pretty obsessive amateur brewer. And, like most amateur brewers, I harbour the dream of going professional and brewing for a living. Now, I have no formal…

A visit with Hooker Brewery

Galway Hooker is one of Ireland's newest craft beers, having only been on the market since the summer of 2006. It's a style that hasn't really featured on draught in Ireland before, a flavour packed hoppy pale ale. I recently visited Hooker…

Is beer good for you?

Well, according to the Brewers of Europe it is. At least in moderation! They produced a booklet called "The Benefits of Moderate Beer Consumption", currently in its third edition (2004) which is based on a symposium held in October…

Business & Finance – Irish Craft Brewing

Keep an eye out for the latest issue of Business & Finance magazine which will feature the Irish Craft Brewing industry. The issue hits the shelves on April 20th and will also be on their website  www.businessandfinance.ie More details…

Franciscan Well EasterFest, 7-8 April 2007.

The Franciscan Well’s Easter beer festival has proved, by all accounts, to be a very popular beer festival, gathering most of the craft brewers of Ireland under the one roof (or marquee). This was to be my first visit to the festival,…

Beer Destination – Salzburg

Salzburg, the home of Mozart, and a UNESCO Cultural Heritage site, might seem like an unlikely place for a beer weekend, but is a beautiful city of manageable size. There is plenty to see; beautiful architecture, things Mozart-related, “Sound…

‘Tastier than Sierra Nevada’ – Galway Hooker makes an impression Stateside

This article was written by American Beer Writer George Lenker aka Beernut and originally appeared in 'The Republican' newspaper, Massachusetts. Keep an eye out for Business & Finance Magazine which will shortly feature his article on Irish…