Review: Filthy Queens: A History of Beer in Ireland
A comprehensive history of beer in Ireland is something I’ve been hearing demand for for as long as I’ve been paying attention to the local industry. It has finally come into being thanks to the specialist Irish food and drink publisher…

Eight Degrees returns to bottling
Since its introduction earlier this year, the Re-Turn deposit system for cans has had a number of knock-on effects on the beer market. Several breweries and distributors have expressed frustration with the expense and bureaucracy of the scheme,…

Trains and Beers: Three Irish Cities in One Day By Rail
I’ve always liked trains. This is probably because I grew up in Carlow town right beside the Goods rail siding and I spent many hours watching Goods trains shunting. It was some time later before I developed an interest in craft beer!

New website, who dis?
Welcome to the new Beoir website. Here's what you need to know.
The development required a complete rebuild and, while all user accounts were migrated across, the security set-up means that passwords were not. So, to log in to the site,…

Review: The Devil’s in the Draught Lines
Christina Wade’s book is subtitled “1,000 years of women in Britain’s beer history” and is the Campaign for Real Ale’s contribution to restoring women to their place in the history of beer, with an emphasis on the UK. There’s no…

What should beer labels say?
With all the coverage recently about what the labels on alcoholic drinks should or shouldn't say, one side that nobody thought to ask is us, the consumers. Everyone recognises that we need to be informed about the products we buy, but exactly…

Beoir’s Best Brewery 2023
The Beoir awards have been running annually for over a decade now. It is the only beer awards scheme in Ireland voted for by the drinkers ourselves and the integrity of the system is a vital part of how it works. Winners can know that their…

Beer, Health and Wellbeing
Editors' note: Prof. Claus-Christian Carbon is an academic at the University of Bamberg, Germany, with an interest in the social aspects of beer. He is also an executive member of the European Beer Consumers Union. This article is on the important…

Christmas Beers 2022
Our late friend Andrew Moore made a point of contacting Irish breweries each year for a list of their seasonal Christmas beers. The tradition has been continued in his absence. See below for a list of what Ireland's small and independent breweries…

Iceland joins EBCU
EBCU is very proud and happy to announce that the beer culture association Bjórmenningarfélag Íslands from Iceland now is part of the EBCU as a full member. The organisation applied for membership and became part of the EBCU family in the…