London’s Micros
My plane touched down in Heathrow bumpily at 11.20 in the morning as another disgruntled Aer Lingus pilot took out his frustrations on the tarmac. My mission for the day was to drink a pint in each of London's seven brewpubs, and with the first…

DaveT’s Brewery
I started kits and malt extract in 1983 to save money for a mortgage. Once I got the house I tried all grain brewing in an effort to avoid that extract taste you used to always get. It appealed to my technical bent as my background is electronics…

Festival Virgin: Hilden 2007
"Day return to Hilden, please."
The girl at the ticket window looked confused. "Where?"
"Hilden. It's near Lisburn."
"To Lisburn?"
"No. Hilden."
"One moment please" and she scurried…

Beer Destination – Prague
What can you say about a city in which the best lagers in the world are available on every street corner at a quarter of the cost of pub prices in Dublin?
It’s a beer lover’s fantasy and I found it hard to believe I was really…

Beer Destination – Oslo
"Forty-five bucks!? This better be the best tasting beer in the world. [Drinks] You got lucky." -- Barney Gumble
Let's face it: Oslo is not the obvious choice for a beer-hunting weekend. Two contributing factors spring immediately…

My journey to Irish craft beer!
So how did it all start? Well, with those first few drinks, back in the 70s, growing up in Sussex, roughly 50 miles south of London.
At somewhere about 17 years of age, my mates and I, like most teenagers, were mad to get into the…

The Accidental Craft Beer Pub Crawl
I hadn't planned it this way, it just happened. A friend had organised for a few of us to go to the NoFitState Circus in Dublin's Docklands on a Friday night. Like any reasonable and civilised man, I suggested we meet up beforehand for a couple…

ICB Tasting July 2007: A Brewer’s (and Beer Drinker’s) Perspective.
The long awaited, second Irish Craft Brewer tasting session took place on the 19th of July, in the Bull and Castle Beer Hall. With almost 30 people in attendance, I am very glad that it took place in this excellent pub and not in my kitchen,…

ICB Tasting July 2007: A Beer Drinker’s Perspective.
Such was the anticipation felt by many for the second IrishCraftbrewer.com “Meet and Taste” session that many of the attendees turned up before the appointed hour of 7pm. The venue was the Bull and Castle Beer Hall and the area for the event…

ICB Tasting at the Bull and Castle
The management at the Bull and Castle have kindly offered to let ICB members to bring their own beers in to the Beer Hall for a tasting evening on Thursday the 19th of July. This is only the second time ICB members will have the oppertunity…