Water water everywhere and lots of beer to drink
Every brewer knows that the quality of the water used in the production of beer is of paramount importance. Water can provide direct flavour effects and also indirect effects upon mash, wort boiling and fermentation. The water we use for brewing…

Grain Basics
So you've decided to make the move to all grain brewing. Now you want to know what all these different grains are used for. While you can make a great beer using just Pale Malt there are a lot of different styles of beer out there that…

Irish Water Profiles
This item presents a set of tables giving you information on water profiles for named water supply areas in Ireland. The raw data has been sourced from Local Authorities and the EPA and is summarised here to, hopefully, save you time. If…

Hops – Basic facts and figures
Choosing the right hops for your craft brew can be a daunting experience when faced with list upon list of hop varieties. The tables reproduced in this knowledge base item aim to give you an idea of the bittering and flavour characteristics…