Like to make an easy brew but want to make your own mark on it? Extract brewing is for you.

Small Scale Brewing

Why brew on a small scale? Surely more beer is better? Well there are many reasons to try it out. Many people have small kitchens and don’t have the space for a full brew. Five gallons is a lot of beer if you don’t have people to drink…

Extract Brewing: An Illustrated Guide

Brewing using Dry Malt Extract and speciality grains is a really simple and flexible method for making great beers tailored to your own tastes. This article presents an illustrated guide for a method of brewing using Dry Malt Extract…

Extract and Steeping Grains – An Introduction.

This is where the fun starts. While there’s nothing wrong with making kits, and a lot of people are happy to stick to kits, there’s something more satisfying with following a recipe, whether it’s your own or a ‘clone…