Select a news topic from the list below, then select a news article to read.

Trouble Maker – Brewing Competition

For those who weren’t at the ICB brewery tour at Trouble HQ recently, we announced a tentative plan to hold a brewing competition. The competition will select a home-brewed beer to be scaled up to a commercial batch size in our Allenwood brewery…

Beoir: A beer consumers’ group for Ireland

Irish Craft Brewer is pleased to announce the establishment of Beoir, a consumers' lobby for beer drinkers on the island of Ireland, and for all who seek to improve the variety and quality of beer available here. The new group will concentrate…

Brew It Yourself Exhibition, Cork

Come and meet the Irish Craft Brewer team, this Saturday, for one day only, at The Franciscan Well in Cork. All your homebrew questions answered, free tastings, and equipment and ingredients for sale, courtesy of The Homebrew Company. Whether…

Ireland’s best beer: YOU decide!

The polls have now closed! Thanks to everyone who voted, and stand by for the results! The third annual Irish Craft Brewer Beer of the Year awards will be announced in April. In 2009, for the first time, we are opening the selection process…

The Porterhouse to get a shiny new bottling line

Great news for craft beer in Ireland; our friends at The Porterhouse Brewing company, last featured in TheBeerNut's article about our visit to their brewery for the launch of Hop Head, have announced that they will be venturing into the realm…

ICB Submission to the Government Alcohol Advisory Group.

If you have been following this thread in the forum you will know that I have made a submission to the Alcohol Advisory Group on behalf of the members of this website. Thanks to TheBeerNut for the idea and taking everyone's opinions, expressed…

ICB Tasting at the Bull and Castle

The management at the Bull and Castle have kindly offered to let ICB members to bring their own beers in to the Beer Hall for a tasting evening on Thursday the 19th of July. This is only the second time ICB members will have the oppertunity…

Business & Finance – Irish Craft Brewing

Keep an eye out for the latest issue of Business & Finance magazine which will feature the Irish Craft Brewing industry. The issue hits the shelves on April 20th and will also be on their website More details…