Beoir: A beer consumers’ group for Ireland

Irish Craft BeerIrish Craft Brewer is pleased to announce the establishment of Beoir, a consumers’ lobby for beer drinkers on the island of Ireland, and for all who seek to improve the variety and quality of beer available here. The new group will concentrate on the promotion of beer and cider from Ireland’s micro-producers, as well as encouraging quality imports, and continuning Irish Craft Brewer’s work in providing a forum — both in real-life and online — for the country’s amateur craft brewers.

It will take time to build our momentum into something more than the ad hoc group we currently have, but the aim is very much to become an organisation as active in publishing, managing events and being visible in the media as CAMRA in the UK, or the many beer consumers’ unions active on the continent and beyond.

At the moment there is a draft Constitution available for members to debate, and the intention is to ratify it on 1st July, when Beoir will officially come into being.

If you’d like to be part of this next stage of the revolution in Irish beer, annual membership costs €10 and more information on the group and how to join may be found here.

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