About Beoir

Launched on July 1st, 2010, Beoir is an independent group of consumers which seeks greater choice, quality and value-for-money for beer and cider drinkers on the island of Ireland. Our primary goal is to support and raise awareness of Ireland’s native independent microbreweries and craft cider-makers.

Additionally, Beoir promotes and encourages amateur craft brewing, and the making of other fermented beverages. It seeks to assist amateur brewers in improving the quality of their end product through the sharing of information.

The group  is organised and administrated in an open and democratic manner by and for its subscribing members on a voluntary non-profit basis.  Membership is open to all adults worldwide and costs €10 per annum.

Beoir is a natural development out of the former IrishCraftBrewer.com (launched in March 2007), an online community for beer lovers in Ireland. At a high level, IrishCraftBrewer.com was about appreciating good beer, and promoting choice in Ireland. Although not officially organised as a campaign, members of the community raised awareness of quality beer and brewing in Ireland appearing on TV shows such as RTÉ’s Highly Recommended (16/12/2007) and Capital D (09/04/2009) as well as Oz and James Drink to Britain on BBC2 (27/01/2009). Co-founder and current Beoir Chair Séan Billings provided technical advice for the brewing features of RTÉ’s Living Lightly. The group has also been represented on radio shows for RTÉ Radio 1 (Mooney — 17/08/2009), Today FM (The Last Word — 15/04/2009), NewsTalk (Moncrieff — 22/10/2009), 4FM (Weekend Magazine — 05/09/2009), Dublin South FM (Grow It, Cook It, Eat It — 21/10/2009) and Radio Kerry (Kerry Today — 28/07/2009). In print, we have featured in articles for The Irish Times (30/03/2009), Irish Independent (31/03/2009) and Sunday Business Post (07/06/2009), in addition to a special piece in Food & Wine Magazine (July 2009).

In November 2012, Beoir joined the European Beer consumers Union (EBCU) representing beer consumers in Ireland. We were the 13th member at the time. This gave us a voice in Europe and the backing of other European countries if ever the need arises.

To join Beoir, you can subscribe on-line (after first registering as a user of Beoir.org) or by sending a cheque or postal order to the Treasurer, or through bank transfer (details available from the Treasurer).

Chair: John Duffy (Chair@Beoir.org)
Treasurer: John Stephens (Treasurer@Beoir.org)
Site Admins: admin@beoir.org

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